Resolution Submission Form

In accordance with NSCN Board Policy 3.13.4, any practicing registrant of NSCN may submit a resolution consistent with the objects and purposes of the Nursing Act and within the jurisdiction of the NSCN for Board consideration throughout the year.

Section 4 of the Nursing Act defines the objects of the College, which are to:

  1. serve and protect the public interest in the practice of the profession;
  2. subject to the public interest, preserve the integrity of the profession; and 
  3. maintain public and registrants’ confidence in the ability of the College to regulate the profession.

Resolutions must be received by the NSCN Chief Executive Officer and Registrar at least 21 days prior to a scheduled Board meeting. Resolutions received after this deadline will be on the agenda of a Board meeting scheduled at a later date.

The Board will provide the mover and seconder with time to speak on the resolution.

Mover's Name
Will the Mover be present to speak to the Resolution at the Board’s meeting?
Seconder's Name
Will the Seconder be present to speak to the Resolution at the Board’s meeting?