Nurses Who Provide Care to Clients Receiving Aesthetic Services Q&A

Consultation Type:
Closed with Summary

Consultation Overview

This is a new Q&A replacing the singular legacy CRNNS document on Botox and Dermal Fillers. We requested feedback from members of the public, nurses, managers and employers to ensure we developed a relevant and useful Q&A that will support nurses to provide safe, competent, compassionate and ethical nursing services.

Consultation Participation and Response

We requested feedback using an online survey and received responses from five stakeholders with 70 to 80 percent of the respondents having feedback and outstanding questions regarding their professional accountability and designation specific questions related to providing aesthetic services to clients.   

There were specific concerns identified regarding the requirement of NPs and physicians to be onsite during some aspects of aesthetic treatment to clients. 

Feedback was also provided that the administration of aesthetic medications is not different from other medications covered in our Medication Guidelines for Nurses and a stand-alone document is not required.  

Impact on the Project

Thank you for providing your feedback on the Nurses Who Provide Aesthetic Services to Clients Q&A. Below explains how we incorporated this feedback into the tool. 

The focus on the requirement regarding prescriber availability for some interventions was changed to   focus on the accountability of the nurse to:

  • work within their specific scope of practice, 
  • assess risk to the client based on the treatment plan or procedure, and 
  • ensure strategies are in place prior to, during, and after interventions to decrease risk to clients, such as appropriately collaborating with an authorized prescriber and following established protocols. 

We considered the feedback that the Nurses Who Provide Aesthetic Services to Clients Q&A was not required because medication administration is covered in our Medication Guidelines for Nurses. This consideration was evaluated, and it was determined that there is a need for a stand-alone document related to aesthetic services. This decision was made for two reasons: 

  • The Q&A addresses specific questions related to providing nursing care to clients receiving aesthetic services that are not covered in our Medication Guidelines for Nurses, and these questions are asked regularly by nurses and other stakeholders. 
  • The publication of a stand-alone document is in keeping with the majority of Canadian nursing regulators.

Next Steps/Conclusion

This practice support tool is now complete and can be found on our website here.

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