Family - All Ages Nurse Practitioner Exam (CNPE) Application Form

for School of Nursing
Have you ever written the Family/All Ages Nurse Practitioner Exam before?
By submitting this application form:

I authorize the collection, use and disclosure of personal information concerning myself as described in the Nova Scotia College of Nursing(NSCN) Privacy Policy Statement. 

In addition, I authorize NSCN to carry out the procedures necessary for the assessment of my eligibility to write the Nurse Practitioner (NP) examination. This includes making copies of my application to write the NP examination and/or contacting the institutions or authorities stated on this application to verify the authenticity of the information. This Signature Declaration allows NSCN to contact other regulatory bodies and educational institutions to obtain information pertinent to my application. I agree that a copy of this Signature Declaration can be sent by NSCN to other regulatory bodies or educational institutions allowing them to release information to NSCN.

I declare that all of the information I have provided in this application is complete and truthful. I understand that NSCN will immediately stop the assessment of my application to write the NP examination and that my application will be cancelled, licensure will be refused, and I will be prohibited from applying to NSCN in the future if:
  • I have provided any inaccurate information; or
  • I have omitted required information. This applies to all written correspondence.
Candidates that engage in irregular behaviour, misconduct, or cheating either prior, during or after the Canadian Nurse Practitioner Examination (CNPE) and/or do not follow an invigilator’s warning to discontinue inappropriate behaviour on exam day may be dismissed from the writing centre with no refund on their exam fee. Unauthorized production, reproduction or publication of the exam questions is also prohibited by copyright laws. In addition, measures and statistical procedures are implemented to detect cheating (e.g., copying answers from another candidate, voluntarily or involuntarily providing answers to another candidate). Unauthorized disclosure of the contents of the exam questions and any other form of cheating is an unethical behaviour and shall result in sanctions. If the regulatory authority determines that a candidate has cheated on the exam, the candidate is automatically assigned a fail result and the writing is counted as an exam attempt. Other sanctions may be imposed and may extend to denial of a licence and/or disqualification from future registrations for the CNPE.

Irregular behaviour, misconduct and/or cheating include but are not limited to the following:
  • copying, producing, reproducing, removing exam questions and/or responses (in any format) or taking notes about the exam from the writing centre exam room or outside the exam room
  • disclosing exam questions or responses, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means (orally, in writing, electronically, on the Internet, “brain dumping,” “discussion boards” or otherwise such as but not limited to Facebook, Twitter or other forms of social media)
  • giving or receiving assistance of any kind
  • taking the exam for someone else or having the exam taken for you
  • using prohibited aids such as cell/mobile phones, hand-held computers or other electronic devices, recording or photographic devices, watches, etc.
  • bringing study aids (test preparation materials or study materials, textbooks, notebooks, classroom notes, etc.) to the writing centre or accessing or attempting to access such study aids at any time after the start of the exam including but not limited to washroom breaks
  • seeking help in answering questions (in person, by phone, text, by e-mail, etc.), engaging in disruptive disturbances or causing disturbances of any kind, and/or failing to follow invigilator instructions
  • Personal items including but not limited to wallets, watches, purses, hats, bags or coats are not permitted at the desk/table (see the attached Entry into the Exam Room Policy for the complete list of prohibited items). These items must be stored in a secure area designated by the invigilator. Personal belongings may not be accessed at any time during the exam.