In 2023, the Canadian Council for Practical Nurse Regulators (CCPNR) approved the updated Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses. An amendment to the NSCN By-laws is required in order to adopt the updated Code of Ethics in Nova Scotia.
In fall 2021, the Canadian Council for Practical Nurse Regulators (CCPNR) embarked on a project to update its Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) in Canada. The project aimed to incorporate current and anticipated changes in health care impacting the regulation of LPNs in Canada. The updated Code of Ethics was approved by CCPNR in 2023.
The Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) articulates six fundamental principles that govern LPN practice and inform the LPN’s professional identity. LPNs are held accountable to uphold each of these principles. The principles serve to guide LPNs’ reflections and decision-making across all areas of practice, inform the public about the ethical values and responsibilities of the LPN profession, and convey the profession’s commitment to client safety and public protection.
The Code of Ethics addresses concepts such as cultural humility, respect for the inherent dignity and rights of clients, colleagues and LPNs; promotion of optimal health and well-being; trauma-informed practice and harm reduction; a commitment to contribute to truth and reconciliation through client autonomy and self-determination; client care that is competent and safe; and equity of access to care for all clients.
It is anticipated that the Code of Ethics will come into effect in Nova Scotia on January 1, 2024.
Input, Consultation and Validation of the Standards of Practice
Throughout 2022, a literature review, key informant interviews and focus groups were undertaken by CCPNR to update the Code of Ethics, with the proposed draft being approved by the Board for consultation and validation in November 2022.
LPNs across Canada and other stakeholders were invited to participate in a national validation survey to collect feedback on the draft Code of Ethics. The survey was designed to gather opinions from registrants and stakeholders to determine if the Code of Ethics represented reasonable expectations for LPNs. Over 900 respondents from across Canada participated in the validation process, including 207 respondents from Nova Scotia.
Proposed By-Law Amendment
NSCN proposes that the current Section 26.1 of the NSCN By-Laws be amended to indicate the adoption of the 2023 CCPNR Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses:
The code of ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses is the 2023 Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses in Canada developed by the Canadian Council for Practical Nurse Regulators.
Join the Conversation
Please provide your feedback by November 25, 2023, to NSCN by emailing Alison Bird, Governance & Legal Consultant, at Thank you in advance for your participation.
Next Steps
Once the feedback period is closed, the Board will review the feedback summary prior to their decision on whether to approve the by-law amendment. If the amendment is approved, an updated By-Laws document will be posted on the NSCN website and the updated Code of Ethics will come into effect on January 1, 2024.