Registration and Licensing Review Committee

An important part of our work is accomplished through regulatory committees that are established to help fulfill our mandate of public protection. Our regulatory committees function at arm’s length from our day-to-day work and include volunteer nurses and members of the public who make objective decisions related to the registration and licensing, practice and conduct of nurses in Nova Scotia.    

The Registration and Licensing Review Committee, upon request by an applicant or registrant, the committee reviews the registration and/or licensure that was refused, or had conditions or restrictions imposed. Based on review of the evidence, the committee will communicate the reasons for its decision to the applicant or registrant.


  • Amanda d'Entremont LPN    
  • Deb Vandewater RN    
  • Debbie Cantwell RN    
  • Debra Theriault RN    
  • Elaine Rivers PR    
  • Jennifer Carr LPN    
  • Jennifer MacDougall RN    
  • Jennifer Riis NP    
  • Jennifer Ross PR (Vice Chair)
  • Kelli Lynn Goudey LPN    
  • Linda Hale RN    
  • Loretta Manning PR (Chair)
  • Sandra Beumer RN    
  • Susan Johnson RN    
  • Trudy Campbell NP    


In the spirit of transparency, we publish the terms of reference for each of our committees. The terms provide an in-depth look at the work and requirements of the committee. Click here to open the Registration and Licensing Review Committee Terms of Reference. 

If you have any questions, reach out to us at

Did You Know?

This committee has the ability to make a formal judgment or decision about a disputed matter.