NSCN 2024 Annual Meeting

The NSCN 2024 Annual Meeting took place virtually as an online event on Thursday, May 16 at 1:00pm. The meeting provided members of the public, registrants and other stakeholders the opportunity to receive updates about NSCN business from the Board, the CEO & Registrar and external auditors. The meeting also gave stakeholders a platform to ask questions and engage in discussion about nursing regulatory matters.

Missed the meeting? Watch it here. And don't forget to read our 2023 Annual Report which highlights how we delivered on our three strategic objectives of effective, transparent and accountable regulation.

Stay tuned for our Q&A document that will include responses to the questions posed by meeting attendees. 

What business takes place at the meeting?

The Annual Meeting is an opportunity for stakeholders to learn more about NSCN’s activities over the past year, including an update from our external auditors on NSCN’s finances.

Who can attend?

Everyone! The virtual Annual Meeting is open to members of the public, NSCN registrants and all other stakeholders.

How do I register and join?

The NSCN 2024 Annual Meeting took place virtually as an online event on Thursday, May 16 at 1:00pm. Stay tuned for a recording of the meeting and for our Q&A document that will include responses to the questions posed by meeting attendees.

See our Annual Meeting Participation Resource here.

Am I able to ask questions at the meeting?

Yes. There will be an opportunity to participate in discussions via the online platform and to pose questions once the Annual Meeting information has been presented.

What if I have a matter I would like to bring forward to the NSCN Board?

Board policy permits registrants to submit a resolution for the Board’s consideration at its regular meetings throughout the year (Board policy 3.13.4). Registrants can submit a resolution to the Board here.


Is there an Annual Report?

You can read our 2023 Annual Report here. 

Is there an Annual Meeting agenda?

Yes. The NSCN Board approved the agenda for the 2024 Annual Meeting at its February Board meeting. Click here for a copy of the agenda.

Where are the NSCN By-laws?

The NSCN By-laws can be found here on our website

How can I learn more? 

Stay tuned to our website, newsletters, Facebook and X (formally Twitter)! If you have any questions, please contact annual.meeting@nscn.ca.