Employer: Duty to Provide Care in a Pandemic

Q. We are preparing to accept clients with COVID-19. The nursing staff are concerned about becoming infected or passing the virus onto their family members. What is my duty as the manager?

A. Employers are obligated to protect and support employees by ensuring staff have adequate access to the appropriate protective equipment and supplies. This includes providing employees with education and resource materials around proper use of equipment.

Employers are obligated to:

  • Make decisions in the best interests of clients and staff.
  • Provide staffing and personnel with the necessary competencies to provide competent care to clients.
  • Provide appropriate resources, equipment, clearly defined policies and procedures and education about the use of equipment.
  • Discuss staff concerns to address information and support being provided.  
  • Ensure policies and procedures regarding care of potentially infectious clients and infection control are current and reflective of best practice.

As the employer you have an accountability to ensure clients are receiving safe and competent care. It is also very important to note that a public health emergency is not usual circumstance. While in this unusual circumstance you are accountable to work with your staff to make the best decisions based on the information at hand, fully recognizing that the evolving situation may result in a different decision at a different time.

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